Trigeminal Neuralgia

Trigeminal Neuralgia, also known as Tic Douloureux, is a debilitating neurological condition characterized by excruciating facial pain on one side of the face. It remains a formidable challenge to those affected by it. It is also referred to as the ‘suicide disease’.
Trigeminal Neuralgia is an often misunderstood and underestimated affliction, manifesting as intense, stabbing pain along the trigeminal nerve. This nerve, responsible for transmitting sensations from the face to the brain, can become hypersensitive, causing paroxysms of agonizing pain. While the exact cause remains elusive, factors such as compression by a blood vessel and nerve damage due to systemic conditions like Multiple Sclerosis are believed to contribute to the development of this condition.

Symptoms and Diagnosis of Trigeminal Neuralgia

The hallmark of trigeminal neuralgia is sudden, electric shock-like pain felt across either forehead, cheeks jaw or all of them. This is extremely severe and episodes, often triggered by simple actions like touching the face, brushing or chewing, can be recurrent and incapacitating. A very characteristic feature is the presence of pain only in the territory of the Trigeminal Nerve (as seen in the accompanying figure) and no pain is experienced outside this.
Diagnosis involves a meticulous evaluation of symptoms, medical history, and, in some cases, imaging tests to rule out other potential causes.

Treatment of Trigeminal Neuralgia

Managing trigeminal neuralgia necessitates a multifaceted approach. Medications such as anticonvulsants and pain modulators are commonly prescribed to alleviate pain.
For patients experiencing persistent pain or having recurrent episodes, minimally invasive percutaneous procedures like Radiofrequency Ablation of the Trigeminal Ganglion or Balloon decompression of the Ganglion can be performed. These procedures give immediate and lasting pain relief, offering an early return to normal activity and the ability to enjoy a pain-free life for those affected by this condition. The best part is, that these are daycare procedures and the patients can resume their routines the next day.

Emotional Effects of Trigeminal Neuralgia

Beyond the physical anguish, trigeminal neuralgia exacts a profound emotional toll on those suffering from it and their loved ones. Living with chronic pain can lead to anxiety, depression, and social isolation. There have been instances of Self-harm by the patients, giving the name “Suicide Disease” for this condition.

Help and Support

Creating a supportive network is paramount for individuals affected by trigeminal neuralgia. Advocacy groups and online communities provide platforms for sharing experiences, information, and emotional support. By fostering a sense of community, those affected can navigate the challenges of living with trigeminal neuralgia more effectively.
Together, we can raise awareness, foster understanding and pave an easier treatment path for you.

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Dr. Rajit Jhingan
Dr. Rajit Jhingan

Pain Specialist
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